18. South Africa – 15-Aug 2014 – Friday

Morning drive hunting for rhinos with Veronica, William, Henry, Bastian, Darragh and Benjamin. Didn’t see anything at all. Benjamin had his eyes closed for most of the drive and Darragh had his head in his hands and all we seemed to do was drive up and down the same roads again and again and again. But it was a pretty area that I haven’t seen before so that was nice.

We all got a huge bollocking from Pamela when we got home.

Apparently someone was sick of the back of the truck that he was on. It sounds hilarious but horrendous. The roads were so bumpy that the poor guy just couldn’t keep it in any longer. But, credit to him, he managed to spot and point out a nyla mid retch. Ha.

He was, possibly, also the culprit behind the lasagne-puke in the sink in the boys’ toilets…


Afternoon drive was amazing!! I use that word too much but it really was incredible. I figured it was my last chance to get photos so I may as well take them of anything I can get and took tonnes of zebra, wildebeest (pronounced ‘vilderbeest’ here) and, just as we drove round the corner, there were two white rhino sitting in the middle of the field, sunbathing.

They were faced in opposite directions, which is something that a lot of animals do apparently because it gives you a far better field of vision. Makes sense.


We crept up to them, getting closer and closer and by the end we were easily within ten metres of them.

They’re so cool. Their heads are just enormous and their skin is like armour. At its thinnest, it’s three centimetres thick, right behind the ears, and at its thickest it’s five centimetres.


If cheetahs get cold, the hair on their spots raises to trap the air.

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